VDFF winners are announced

Vilnius International Documentary Film Festival (VDFF), which screened over 40 films this year and invited to communicate with a large group of their creators, said goodbye until next September. Highlight of the festival closing were the Awards for the best Baltic Documentaries that took part in the competition program, presented by the festival jury - film directors Leonard Retel Helmrich (The Netherlands), Angela Christlieb (Germany), PhD in Social sciences Almira Usmanova (Belarus). This year, Latvian filmmakers were the most happy with the decision of the Jury.
First place was awarded to Latvian film director Dāvis Sīmanis for the story "Chronicles of the Last Temple" ("Pēdējā tempļa hronikas", 2013). This is the story of the construction of Latvian National Library, lasting for two decades, which has caused many disputes and discussions. Outstanding camera work, complex narrative concept, representation of different social groups and disclosure of sensitive issues in post-Soviet countries has led to the jury decision to give the highest evaluation to this story.
Latvian directors Ivars Zviedris and Inese Kļava were placed second for their expressive story "Documentarian" ("Dokumentālists", 2012). Dynamic confrontation between them and the heroine of the film Inta, a rough, brusque woman, provoked considerations how the camera influences relationship between the author and the character, how it affects the filmmaking process. According to the festival's assessors, recluse Inta not only highlights some social problems, but also becomes co-author of the film.
The third winner of the festival - Marat Sargsyan, whose film "Father" has been prized in a number of international festivals already. According to the jury, by watching the family of a former criminal Anton, director explores the hidden side of life of a good father, forces to cross that threshold that separates us from the criminal world and to look at it from a different angle. The assessors consider that breaking this wall of prejudice is a very brave step by the documentarian.
Cash prizes to the winners of the festival were given by Kazickas Family Foundation. Since 2008, each year 12 best works by creators from Lithuania, and neighbouring Estonia and Latvia are presented at the competition program of the Baltic documentary films. This year, five Lithuanian, three Latvian and four Estonian documentaries were selected for the competition.
In the photo of VDFF archive - Marat Sargsyan, director of the film "Father".