"Non-Euclidean Geometry" – in prestigious Oberhausen and Zagreb festivals
Lithuanian animated film "Non-Euclidean Geometry" is selected for two festivals which are considered prestigious in Europe - International Short Film Festival Oberhausen in , as well as festival of animated film Animafest Zagreb.
The Short Film Festival Oberhausen is organized since 1954 and is considered the oldest and one of the most important European festivals of the small forms of film. This festival is known for its broad approach to cinema as a contemporary art and experimental space. Animated film "Non-Euclidean Geometry" by Lithuanian creators Skirmanta Jakaitė and Solveiga Masteikaitė will participate in the International Short Film Competition program and will compete for the main prize.
"Non-Euclidean Geometry" is an intimate and intuitive story of the laws and regulations of love, which are clear as two and two make four, as long as we do love, but are no longer understood and explainable when love is gone. About the logic of the heart, which has nothing to do with the usual logic, like the non-Euclidean geometry negates and transcends the Euclidean one...
The film "Non-Euclidean Geometry" is also included in the competition program of the World Festival of Animated Film "Animafest Zagreb". Animafest Zagreb has been successfully around for more than 40 years. This festival is marked with exceptional attention to the authorial approach and the latest trends in the world of animation.
The animated film "Non-Euclidean Geometry" was produced by Noroutine (VŠĮ “Nerutina”). The film was supported by Lithuanian Culture Support Foundation.
Trailer of the film "Non-Euclidean Geometry":