2013 /


30 min.  –  Documentary  –  30 min., color, HD  –  2013 ,   Ketvirta versija
Director : Petras Savickis
Screenplay : Liudvika Pociūnienė
Cinematographer : Vytautas Plytnikas, Audrius Kemežys
Music : Vladimir Tarasov
Editing director : Eimantas Belickas

In the film we talk about eternal values, ​​and the role of the dissident in the modern world, with the people belonging to the active minority, whose perseverance led to the disintegration of the Soviet empire. In the hands of that active minority lies the future of Western civilisation slowly degrading because a crowd run by habits and passions, without a handful of dissidents, who are ready for sacrifice, lacks both, direction and criteria.

Their deliberations may seem surprising, and the memories of the emergency situations - very reminiscent of the challenges of the new era.

After all, we live in times of confusion and depreciation of values - such phenomenon accompanied each collapse of a great civilisation, but they were always replaced with other, more complex and more coherent systems of values​​. Who knows, we might actually stand on the brink of a radical change?