15 min. – Short film – 15 min. – 2012 , LMA mokomoji studija ČIOBRELIAI |
Screenplay : Jurgis Matulevičius
Cinematographer : Simonas Glinskis
Music : Domas Strupinskas
Editing director : Jurgis Matulevičius, Gintarė Sokelytė
Producer : Klementina Remeikaitė, Paulius Juočeris
Cast : Žana Gončar, Mindaugas Ancevičius
A time when humanity as a whole refuses common perception. A time when God is dead, and the man is abandoned to his fate and has to struggle and to look for answers on his own. The way, that a man has to go while following his unique vision of the world is based on the testing method, how many of his explorations he can afford. If you go too far, you won’t come back. This is the price paid by an individual trying to investigate the limits of body and mind whims. Here comes the clash between the body and mind, between the individual and society, between morality and what is not compatible with it and finally between life and death. Festivals: European Film Forum “Scanorama”, Lithuania, 2012, program “New Baltic Cinema”; Vilnius International Film Festival, Lithuania, 2013, Lithuanian Film program.