Radviliada (Radivilias)
85 min. – Feature film , Documentary – 85 min., color, DCP – 2014 , Nominum |
Screenplay : Arūnas Matelis, Romas Lileikis
Screenplay : Ramunė Rakauskaitė, Renata Šerelytė
Cinematographer : Audrius Kemežys, Simonas Glinskis
Music : Paulius Kilbauskas, Domas Strupinskas
Producer : Mark Olexa (DokMobile), Uldis Cekulis (VFS), Arūnas Matelis
Cast : Algirdas Dainavičius, Andrius Paulavičius, Liubomiras Laucevičius
What was the battle like, when five thousand of our fighters stand up to fight against 25,000 Russian army soldiers... and they win? Who owned the most famous medieval armour in Europe, which today is compared with Formula 1 car in terms of price and functionality? Whose descendants are reborn in the family of US President Kennedy, are getting five Emmys or creating a global fashion empire? There was a famous saying: "...I don’t want to be a king, I want to be a Radziwill''. A cinematic journey "RADVILIADA" is a new Lithuanian film, which brings together the present times and the Lithuania ruled by medieval nobility, and also revives Ula - the Lithuanian version of Spartan battle. Together in the film: the legendary Lithuanian actors (Algirdas Dainavičius, Andrius Paulavičius, Liubomiras Laucevičius, and others), leaders of the youth subcultures (Dima Fiodorovas, Deividas Budkovas, Kipras Serapinas), as well as Lithuanian and the world's most famous researchers of the Radziwill family (Robert Frost, Artūras Vasiliauskas, Deimantas Karvelis, etc.). Film production involved international team of 176 creators. Acted scenes were directed by Jonas Trukanas.