Owl Mountain
100 min. – Feature film – 100 min., color, DCP – 2018 |
Screenplay : Pranas Morkus
Cinematographer : Rolandas Leonavičius
Music : Titas Petrikis
Producer : Norbertas Pranckus
Cast : Monika Bičiūnaitė, Adomas Jasiukėnas, Karolis Kasperavičius, Skomantas Duoplys, Jovita Jankelaitytė, Severina Špakovska, Rūta Šmergelytė, Mindaugas Jankauskas, Ridas Žirgulis, Aleksandras Kleinas, Šarūnas Datenis, Dainius Svobonas, Oskar Vygonovski, Aleksandr Špilevoj, Julius Paškevičius, Telman Ragimov, Mantas Zemleckas, Paulina Taujanskaitė, Arnas Danusas, Aldona Bendoriūtė, Margarita Žiemelytė, Aleksandra Metalnikova, Anastasija Marčenkaitė, Darius Meškauskas, Daumantas Ciunis, Šarūnas Zenkevičius, Vidmantas Fijalkauskas, Valentinas Krulikovskis, Aidas Jurgaitis, Aleksas Kazanavičius
Historical narrative drama about political and historical events in Lithuania in 1947-1953. Radio Free Europe, the BBC, Voice of America only occasionally break through the Iron Curtain and the Soviet radio jamming to Lithuania, where there is a fierce war going on between the residents of the country who have not surrendered to the occupation, and the Soviet regime, which has been brought into the country only with the help of Russian army bayonets. Those who resist are terrorized, killed and deported to Siberia. He is just one of the many students, participant and witness of the armed resistance, collecting evidence and documents on crimes by the Kremlin regime... He is becoming a true legend among the students: for girls he is the Hollywood icon John Wayne, for guys – an insurmountable obstacle and a competitor in affairs of the heart. He is the one who joins the historical march to the West and is destined to bring the message to the free world and the US congress about the freedom aspirations of the Baltic countries, which has determined the fate of the “Welles Declaration”. The Declaration, that supported and fuelled over the long years of the Cold War the hope of the occupied Baltic States to regain independence. Premiere of the film – 16 February 2018. Photo by Lukas Juzėnas