Actors /
Diana Matuzevičienė
Pensijų diena (2008)
Dienų tėkmėj (2007)
Theaters of the Outgoing Summer (2006)
The Horizons or Life at Louvres (2005)
Today (2003)
Šičionykštė (2001)
Esu (2000)
Būti (1999)
Prisilietimai (1998)
Laukimas (1997)
Sugrįžimai (1996)
Behind the Threshold (1995)
Dulkių duona (1994)
Iliuzijos (1993)
Maža išpažintis (1971)
Diana Matuzevičienė studied at the Stepas Žukas Art Polytechnic, attended the drama studio of Juozas Miltinis, studied directing (part time) at the Leningrad State Theatre, Music and Cinematography Institute. She worked at the Lithuanian Film Studio as an assistant director and participated in groups making feature, educational and documentary films with Robertas Verba, Linas Lazėnas, Viktoras Starošas, Henrikas Šablevičius, Raimondas Vabalas, Algirdas Araminas and others. Since 1990 she started making documentary films together with Kornelijus Matuzevičius.