Marius Ivaškevičius

Marius Ivaškevičius was born in 1973 in Molėtai. In 1997, Marius Ivaškevičius received a MA in Philology at Vilnius University.
1996-1999 he was the editor of Saturday supplement “Julius” of the Lithuanian daily “Respublika”;
2000-2001 he directed and conducted the TV casts “Kultūros spąstai” (“Cultural Trap”) and “Kūrybos metas”(“The Time of Artistic Creation”) for the Lithuanian National TV.
Literary work:
In 1996, Marius Ivaškevičius published his first collection of short stories “Kam vaikų” (“Who Needs Children“). The short stories have been translated into Polish, German, French, Russian, Slovenian, Latvian, English, Croatian, and other languages.
In 1998 he published a novel “Istorija nuo debesies” (“A Story From The Cloud“) that was translated into the Polish language and published by the publishing house “Czarne” in 2001.
In 2002 he published a trilogy of plays “Artimas“ (“Intimate”).
In 2002 he published a novel “Žali“ (“Green”).
In 2004 he published a play “Madagaskaras“ (“Madagaskar”).
Theatre work:
In1998 Marius Ivaškevičius wrote a play “Kaimynas” (“The Neighbour“), which won the main prize in the competition of Modern Lithuanian Dramaturgy. The play was staged at the Lithuanian Youth Theatre in 2000. It was translated into English, Polish, German, French, and Finish. The play was read at the Avignon Theatre Festival in 2001.
In 2000, Ivaškevičius wrote and directed a play “8-230, tai aš” (“8-230, It’s Me“) that was presented at the New Drama Action Festival in Lithuania. The play was translated into German.
In 2002 he created and directed a play “Malыš” (“Malysh“), which was presented at Oskaras Koršunovas’ Theatre. The play was translated into Polish, Russian, German, and Italian.
In 2004 he created a play “Madagaskaras“ (“Madagaskar“), which was directed by Rimas Tuminas at the Small Theatre of Vilnius.
Cinema work:
Marius Ivaškevičius is a screenwriter and director of the documentaries:
1999, “Einu“ (“I go“),
2000, “Punsko noveles” (“Tales of Punsk“),
2004, together with Valdas Navasaitis “Dviese ant tilto“ (“Together on the Bridge“).
Marius Ivaškevičius is an author of the movie screenplay based on the short story “Lilovyj dym” (“Purple smoke“) by Feliks Roziner that received the Special Award for the best script in “Trans-Euro-Script“, the competition that was organizated by Audiovisual Eureka in Istambul and Bucarest in 2001. The screenplay “Purple smoke“ was published in 2003.